Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hello 2013! - Interpals

Yes, I know, I'm late to the party :P .

I'm still alive and kicking. Went through a few things, but heh, life goes on. I'm preparing another mini-trip to London this weekend (will be posting pictures for sure) but today I wanted to post also because I discovered awesome websites... but I'm still scratching my head at people's behavior.

The websites are "Couchsurfing" and "Interpals". I wanted to make new friends all over the world and, well, Facebook isn't quite helping in terms of diversity, and a friend, who uses those two regularly, invited me to them.

Couchsurfing has an awesome concept. Instead of a hotel, BOOM, see if anyone is available, save money but more than that, make new friends at the same time! Awesome idea.

Interpals is more about being "penpals" , be it through snail mail or email. I like this one better because you can actually choose countries and talk to people from there. It's nice.

But there is one beef.

One teeny tiny beef.

There is a "Requests" section. One dude wrote "No gay" on it... I wish I had remembered to report the profile. I thought it was nasty.

But here's what mine says :

Please do NOT write to me if you are looking for a relationship.
Also, please make an effort when writing to me. If you don't say anything, then I won't have anything to say in return.

Not much, really. I don't care if you're a guy, a girl, or where you're from.

But I've had over 20 people (no joke) writing with either a "Hello" or a "U so beautiful" or "Here is my skype" that it's kinda painful to read. Blocked/deleted right away.

Not trying to be a beeyotch, mind you. But I like actual conversations better. Already made one friend in Japan! So happy!