Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Job Search Amusement

Hello :D ... I am back to tell you about that job fair I was supposed to go to. Job seeking is fun... NOT. Mostly because, when I try to dress up as nicely as possible, I feel like I am not me at all (grr flat shoes, yay sneakers is one example). Thankfully, I have a rather nice attitude (not trying to compliment myself here, this was actually said to me :D ) .

If you're still with me, you might wonder why I am amused, then. Well... let's just say I am not surprised the world is in a recession (that was the first "joke" that came to mind as soon as I entered the fair with my friend) . A few examples :

- Blonde girl walking around with a dress similar to this : http://www.kiabi.com/femme/robes/robe-bustier-finition-fronces/188/P224053/C1 and shoes similar to these, but shinier : http://www.zappos.com/betsey-johnson-teasee-black-suede . She really did not look like she wanted a job at all.
- Men with large jeans and shoes looking like these : http://www.zappos.com/dsquared2-sn013-v-016-81-verde

I could list more, but then it would take a while longer. There were MANY people who looked like they did not belong at a job fair, let alone at a job interview. It was really appalling, especially when you'd see people with very bad attitudes (not necessarily vulgar or nasty, but way too casual, as if chatting with friends for example) .

I hope people wake up. Dress appropriately for a job fair, just as if you were going to a job interview. Look the part. Look smart. Behave as if you were in a job interview, with respect and consideration for the status of the person you have in front of you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The things some people wear to career-related things kill me.
