Here is what I found on Twitter from celebrities, including some of my favorites (Lee Pace, Richard Armitage, Elijah Wood... Arthur Darvill <3 ...) Guys... thank you. Thank you.
I don't have the time or energy to browse Twitter to add to the list. But if you have a celeb that you like and follow that has tweeted about this, please send them to me @akaruikibuno .
My heart is with the city of Paris. #JeSuisCharlie
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 8, 2015
My thoughts are with the victims and their families in Paris. #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie
— Elijah Wood (@woodelijah) January 7, 2015
“@thereaIbanksy:” #JeSuisCharlie
— Lee Pace (@leepace) January 8, 2015
#JeSuisCharlie to our friends across the channel, you have my thoughts, prayers and support.
— Richard Armitage (@RCArmitage) January 8, 2015
— Arthur Darvill (@RattyBurvil) January 8, 2015
I normally don't do politics on here but totally shocked by the events of yesterday and heartened by the world's reaction #JeSuisCharlie
— Arthur Darvill (@RattyBurvil) January 8, 2015
— Luke Evans (@TheRealLukevans) January 8, 2015
Thoughts and prayers for our friends overseas #JeSuisCharlie
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) January 7, 2015
Last month in Pasaadena, I took photos of anti-censorsh ip street art. Time to share. #jesuischarlie
— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) January 8, 2015
I stand w/ the ppl of France against terror & I want to send a msg so I'm subscribing. You should too. #JeSuisCharlie
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) January 8, 2015
So true #JeSuisCharlie
— Joan Collins (@joancollinsobe) January 8, 2015
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